Sunday, April 25, 2010

Farewell KOSO clutch

The day has come, i finally ran out of the legendary KOSO race clutch!.
I thought i had more left but it seems that i am down to the last one.

KOSO are willing to make more but require a large quantity order which we cant do right now thanks to the expense of the show.

So thats it for now, i could never find anything to replace it, so its just basic performance clutches from now on at a cheaper price....... which i guess will please some.

Friday, April 23, 2010

13 second engine in detail

Due to the show this was put on the back burner for a while, if you go back through our posts you will notice that we went through 2 engines in the process of making this!.

So lets take a look at the finished engine shall we.

Powder coated the cases gunmetal and applied ceremic coating to the cylinder and head, though heat isnt an issue for us as its only going to do 2 runs before being shut down.
The transmission side of the case has been drilled out to save a little weight............ we learnt our lesson last time and have added a CNC swingarm to help strengthen it, the swingarm weighs about 600 grams so its not really a big deal.

Here we have the samurai bell and the koso race clutch installed behind it, in my experience these 2 are the best combo on the market, shame the KOSO is next to impossible to pick up anymore.

CNC cooling fins with a breather tube attached, this will run along the inside of the frame rails to release excess pressure, though not pictured we are using a KEIHIN PWM38 carb with a HKS air filter.

CNC machined flywheel with custom timing, cylinder has built in passages for the oil cooler, other than that nothing special going on here.

Our swingarm as mentioned before.

Heres the other side in all its glory.

Now i cant say who this engine belongs too, but it will be raced this summer in a major event, im hoping to break the low 13's possibly the 12's if we get the gearing right, this would set a new record for a 4 stroke 125 scooter engine.

Inside is a huge 75mm piston with a very long stroker crank ( i forget check my previous post! )
The head has a proper 5 angle job with titanium retainers and stainless valves (again huge).
The engine requires over 100 octane gas to avoid detenation and its so fast we have to change the belt after a few runs.

Well hope you enjoyed the photos, i didnt get the Titanium exhaust out because its all wrapped up ready to ship.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The show is over

So the show finished about 4 hours ago, everything is packed and has arrived at the new show room in downtown taipei, though the shop isnt ready yet.

Show was half the size of last year, about 1/4th the amount of people came this time and we got screwed over by the event organisers,allow me to explain................

You see months ago we picked our booth space to be right by the entrance with our booth facing towards everybody.
4 days prior to the show the organisers uploaded a new floorplan which shrunk the event down and put us at the end of the show with the main entrance but in half directing people in the opposite direction!.

Its embarassing to have your booth tossed to the side as if your a nobody, even worse when you planned and was prepared to be in the middle of all the action, if they gave us more notification i could of faced my booth towards people instead of AWAY from them, as such nobody could find us, even friends who came to visit had a hard time finding us.

So yes we are very angry and we complained to the event organisers, all they said was sorry a thousand times and bow their heads......... how about a small refund considering we payed for prime space.

Other than that our bikes managed to attract a few crowds, heres some pictures.....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photo finish

The International scooter show starts on the 15th of this month, we will be setting up the display booth from the 13th which is in 5 days time!.
So far our bikes are 100 miles away UNFINISHED, half of our products are still not ready and its looking like the catalogue will not be printed in time!.

So its happy days at Samurai HQ right now....... sarcasm doesnt really translate online as well as real life!.
We arent taking any new orders from now until the 18th to free us of some much needed time to prepare.

In the mean time heres a sneak peak at our latest GY6 63mm piston.