Thursday, May 20, 2010


There was a terrific screw up this past week with EMS, i would like to explain what happened.

Since moving to Taipei we had to sign a new contract with a seperate EMS branch local to us, unlike the old branch they are not open 7 days a week and close at 5pm whereas our old once closed at midnight.
We also cant send the packages at the branch they do pickups only, which is actually very usefull for us since alot of those packages are very big.

Since we dont go into the branch we have to weigh and measure our packages ourselves and pay for them when they arrive, its a bit backwards but this is the way they want it.

We had a few issues with them 2 weeks ago where they claimed our scales were under weighing and they held some packages until it was straightened out.
The end result was that they gave us their personal scales to weigh with, that way there would be no discrepancy between our scales.

So for the first time we used their scales and shipped 6 packages on thursday last week.......

Well they claimed we under weighed them again but this time they didnt call or notify us, it wasnt until a few customers emailed me saying their tracking info wasnt working that we discovered this!.

Anyway it was all cleared up 2 days ago and it shouldnt happen again, we know have the driver weigh them in front of us BEFORE taking them to the depot.

Apologies for those that were left waiting, it wont happen again.

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