Thursday, August 5, 2010

PC meltdown........ again

Once again our pc went into a meltdown, both my vista and windows 7 install failed to boot and i was stuck without internet access for close to 3 days.
To make matters worse it was the only pc in the household as my wife traveled to china for business and took the laptop with her, i do believe she emailed a few people telling them of the problem.

Now the pc is fixed and healthy again (its a cooler master cosmos case which weighs 30kgs, i had to carry this to a repair shop in Taipei in the 40c heat!) turns out my 3 year old was inserting money into the air vents and caused a meltdown of electrical shorting which corrupted my hard drives (all 3!).
You couldn't make this stuff up!.

Problem is our email account is built into the website and its not just a straight forwards log in, i had the link saved on my pc before and just accessed from that, but now that link is lost and i have no way of getting into my email account until my wife returns from china tomorrow night.
If she goes online in the mean time i should be able to get the link from her.
Those of you who are trying to contact me can do via facebook.

People who made orders last month can relax as everything was shipped between late last week and this week.

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