Friday, February 26, 2010

13 second scooter parts

Engine is still away getting coated in ceremic goodness, in the meantime i'll show off the special parts.

First up we have the 75mm piston, exactly the same as our other ones we sell just without the anti-slip coating on the side.......... why?
Well our factory cant add it when the piston is this big, plus its not that important as the bike is only going to be running for around 45 seconds at a time!.

You cant just buy a 75mm piston, it has to be specially made and only one place has the mold for it.
Yes i am tooting my own horn.

Ok here is the head with work in progress, its as big as we can go, any more larger and the gasket will not be able to seal this engine together.


Lastly we have the crank, its a seriously impressive piece of enginering, it weighs twice as much as a stock crank!.

This post is very brief as i have only about 5 days left until the engine must be ready, the head takes time to get right and i only have one availible to me, if its screwed up i miss the deadline........

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