Monday, February 1, 2010

Street racing in Taiwan

Street racing in Taiwan is alot like driving for 2 hours in rush hour traffic to go watch paint dry.
How something so interesting and exciting can be made so boring is beyond me, but the Taiwanese really know how to do it.

Let me set the scene.........

Tuner A calls up Tuner B (lets say we are tuner b) hes heard about this super evil monster of a bike you have built from other customers or friends and feels a little threatened by it, so to save face (this is asia remember!) and perhaps drum up more interest in his tuning services, he schedules to meet you at 1am on the outskirts of the city.
So you arrange transport (or ride there depending on the bikes noise level) and arrive at the location 30 mins before hand to prepare............PAUSE............

There is your first mistake, nobody in this country arrives on time, you could be there for over an hour waiting for them to turn up, sure you can call them up to ask where they are, but they will always lie to you and say they are around the corner.
9 times out of 10, they cant even find the place anyway........

...........PLAY.............So they eventually turn up along with perhaps 20-50 people coming to watch, andrenilin should be pumping by now right?.
Problem is you have no idea what your racing, sure he said hes bringing a Cygnus with a 280cc engine to race against your 272cc Zuma, but is he running NOS are you going to strip his engine and see hes not running a bigger piston or longer stroker crank?.
You cant ask anyway, thats considered rude in this culture, so nobody dares to ask in case they sound like they arent confident, of course i would ask which usually backfires with laughter and mocking in their rather crude local dialect (taiwanese not mandarin which is the normal language here).

Both bikes are removed from the vans or riden to the line where they will be starting from (usually half a mile away from where people are standing) wearing no armour or helmet, nobody is there to say go and without anybody knowing they will just set off.

Bikes fly past, usually only one of them as 9 times out of 10 the losing bike backs off halfway or stops, loads his bike into the van and claims one of the following:

  • You cheated and jumped before him
  • His bike broke down
  • The police were coming
Thats right, almost never is anyone crowned the winner, no money is involved and the setting up lasts about 1 hour with the race lasting 20 seconds.

Its rubbish, pointless and boring not to mention irritating as hell knowing that you won fair and square but the other shop claims all sorts of nonsense in the name of saving face.

I hate street racing here, i dont do it anymore, hell i dont even like the official events as its like monkeys at a zoo, with some people getting multiple runs and timing equipment thats faulty!.

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