Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Driving in Taiwan

Not really scooter related, but its interesting since not many foreign guys actually drive over here!.
Driving in taiwan is like getting your teeth pulled out without any painkillers, its a horrid experience that no well taught person should ever have to go through.
Nobody follows traffic laws for:

  • Parking, they will park randomly everwhere, double parked, triple parked, parking on corners, parking on the sidewalk causing people to go around, hell even when they have a minor fender bender they will stop and wait for the police in the exact location where it happened regardless of where and when it happens (yes rush hour in the middle lane on a highway).

  • Traffic lights, taiwanese are colour blind, they will accelerate on amber going red and the over side usually jumps early since they dont want to wait, usually a scooter rider gets killed because of this stupidity. Even if a cop is present at an intersection drivers will just jump lights with the cop doing nothing, the cops are another issue which i will bring up another time. 

  • Highways, you know how we have slow lanes and over taking lanes usually 3-4 all together with the outside lane used for high speed?. Well not in taiwan, sure we have brand new highways with 4-5 lanes in places, but nobody bothers following the rules, you will often if not always see a bunch of cars taking up all 5 lanes going the same speed, if theres a gap in any lane its used to overtake. Put simply its chaos, to make things worse the top speed is a measly 62mph, 80 mile journeys take almost twice as long as back home because of both of these factors combined.

  • Indicators, nobody here understands how to use them nor do they care to!. They will just pull out into traffic without looking or indicating and also randomly stop with no indication either, this goes for cars and scooters, scooters are worse since in taiwan the largest vehicle in a accident is usually guilty regardless of why, so alot of the lower classes just ride around without a care in the world and try to crash into the more expensive cars just to make some quick cash.

  • Sense of danger, they have none of any kind, they will happily surround your car at traffic lights and crawl off the line at 10mph clogging up traffic while zig zagging around without a care in the world. If your flying along at the legal limit in the fast lane, dont be surprised to see a scooter swerve across from his scooter lane (2 lanes away!) into yours causing you to slam the brakes, this happens at least 10 times a day, beep, shout, scream, flash lights...... they will not react in any way and pretend nothing happen (to save face).
Theres many more horrible things which i will probably post about in the future when i get vids or pics.
Put simply driving in taiwan is awful, almost equal to parts of africa, the 3rd world....... for a country that copys the japanese system and trys so hard to be internationally recognised as a leading country in asia, they have a long way to go.

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